
<--- 仏語再勉強の軌跡


仏語再勉強の軌跡 026

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」131-132、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0331。 公式単語集、20頁やり、183 / 304 。 いろいろ考えた結論は以下。 明日は、仏検準2級をオンラインエントリー。 コメントに、77歳で右耳がほとんど聞こえないので…


March 31 THE WONDER A man was wandering over the world in search of the mother earth. The wonder of it was he was all along on the land of the mother earth. The self is constant. The non-self is fleeting. The self is the recorder. The non-…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 025

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」129-130、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0330。 公式単語集、20頁やり、163 / 304 。 さて、どうするか。考えます。


March 30 VAGARY Mind is vagrant and quixotic. Its ways can never be predicted. It is capable of any act from the sublime to the ridiculous. Man makes use of a mirror to find out if his face is presentable. But his face is the index of his …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 024

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」127-128、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0329。 公式単語集、20頁やり、143 / 304 。


March 29 HABIT When something is repeatedly done it becomes a habit. Man can make or mar his career by the force of habit. It has its effect even on animals. Habit is the most potential factor in man’s life. Habit is said to be man’s secon…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 023

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」125-126、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0328。 公式単語集、20頁やり、123 / 304 。 4/01の仏検申し込みまでに公式単語集を終わらせ、試験問題サンプルの準2級と2級をやってみる予定だったが、間に合わないかも…


March 28 BUOYANCY Sickness in body is unavoidable. Whereas sickness in mind is inexcusable. It is brought about through ignorance. Dejection, melancholy, low spirits --- these are all diseases of the mind. They lead to stagnation and deter…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 022

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」123-124、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0327。 公式単語集、少々端折って、40頁やり、103 / 304 。


March 27 GOOD CONDUCT A being selects the food congenial to it. Even so may I have recourse to the conduct that ennobles me. As there are gradation in food there are modifications in good conduct. That behaviour is good which promotes exce…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 021

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」121-122、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0326。 公式単語集できず。063 / 304 のまま。


March 26 The apparent and the Real Man is constituted of the apparent and the Real. Evaluation of these two enables right living. Body is apparent. It is the perishing reality. Babyhood, childhood, youthhood, maturity, old age, death --- t…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 020

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」119-120、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0325。 公式単語集できず。063 / 304 のまま。


March 25 YAJUNA OR SACRIFICE I Motivated karma binds man to the wheel of birth and death. Karma done as an offering liberates him. Selfish karma is a fetter. Selfless karma is Yajna. It frees man form all bondages. It is spontaneous. That …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 019

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」117-118、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0324。 公式単語集できず。063 / 304 のまま。


March 24 CONSISTENCY Innocent consistency is as bad as deliberate inconsistency. It splits up the personality of man. Harmonizing the thought, word and deed is consistency. Thoughts ought to be noble and elevating. The words that a man utt…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 018

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」115-116、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0323。 公式単語集063 / 304。 いろいろあって、なかなか進まず。おい、大丈夫か。


March 23 DHARMA III Notion of ugliness is in the defective mind. It is not in the work done by man. The ascetic performs asceticism. The woman serves her husband loyally. The scavenger cleanses the dirt and filth. These are all phases of d…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 017

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」113-114、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0322。 公式単語集057頁まで。


March 22 FEAR OF THE ENEMY All creatures have their enemies. Man has more enemies than the other beings. Fear of the enemy is part and parcel of life. Those creatures that are incapable of distinguishing between friend and foe fall easy pr…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 016

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」111-112、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0321。 公式単語集039頁まで。 少々薄くなりましたが、何とか進めました。 初めてお目にかかる単語があったりして、どっきりでした。


March 21 THE DELIBERATE DEPARTURE All beings are overtaken by death sooner or later. But the yogi alone does not die. He prepares himself and deliberately quits the body. Death is meaningless to the yogi. He holds the body alien to him all…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 015

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」109-110、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0320。 公式単語集できず。


March 20 MAN’S ENEMIES The external enemies are not so dangerous as the internal one. The latter remain concealed and cause untold havoc. Diseases of the body are no doubt enemies. They are bound to be detected sooner or later. But the dis…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 014

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」107-108、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0319。 公式単語集できず。 海外も含め、あちこち転々とする引っ越し人生でした。しかし、喜寿と言われる年となり、いよいよ終の棲家に最後の引っ越しをするつもりで準備…


March 19 EXPANSION Existence is common both to the sentient and the insentient. But in the expression thereof there is difference. The latter merely exists. It cannot exert or grow. Whereas the sentient is aware of itself and of its enviro…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 013

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」105-106、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0318。 公式単語集できず。


18 March COMPLEX The unwanted attitude of the mind is called a complex. Many are the complexes haunting the mind. The inferiority complex and the superiority complex are most harmful among them. The one exposed to social tyranny, pinching …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 012

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」103-104、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0317。 公式単語集できず。


March 17. AVERSION TO EVIL. Evil is that which mars man’s make up. Sometimes evil to one may be good to another. Whatever is evil to the spiritual aspirant, needs to be eschewed as poison. Nature is a mixture of good and evil. What is good…