
<--- 仏語再勉強の軌跡



********** OUTSPHERE 1 Partie 1 : Eden エデン. ストーリーのまとめ --> Outsphere 1.docx - Google ドキュメント 23. Ark号はエデンに向かう大小の宇宙船を多数、吐き出していた。 BowmanはBarnesとTchangと合流し、偵察飛行の時とは違って、はるかに大…

ヨガの聖典 1月4日 LOVE.

January 4. LOVE. Love permeates the universe. Love is evident at all levels of life. It manifests itself as lust at the blooming physical level. As sex attraction, it engenders jealousy, poisons the system and clouds the mind. Pure love is…


******** OUTSPHERE 1 Partie 1 : Eden エデン. ストーリーのまとめ --> Outsphere 1.docx - Google ドキュメント 21. Bowmanは、提督に部下のOlsenを探しに再度地表に降りる許可を求めたが、当然のこととして却下された。Olsenが現地人と争った場所にはヘ…


January 3. SELF-MASTERY AND SELF-SURRENDER. Lord, may I gain mastery over my elements, good and bad. After perfecting myself may I surrender my individuality to you. The commoner is the creature of the impulses of his mind. The yogi subdue…


賀詞交歓会 今朝の施設の正月食 ****** Investors hope for U.S. stock market trifecta in 2025 after back-to-back boom years 競馬から日常へ広がるtrifecta(トリフェクタ)の意味 – English Memorandum Investors hope for U.S. stock market trifecta …

ヨガの聖典 1月2日 THE AUSPICES.

January 2. THE AUSPICES. Nature is full of obstacles to the inexperienced man. But as he attunes himself to the environment the seeming hurdles turn into auspices to him. Man is born into this world to undergo training. As he progresses in…


初詣に行ってきました。 アロエ トベラ フウセントウワタ(風船唐綿) 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。 SNSでバズった流行語「Rizz」って?意味と例文・使い方 | りえいご Japan’s 2024 word of the year has no rizz What Do…

ヨガの聖典 1月1日 ATONEMENT.

January 1. ATONEMENT. The cosmos is one integrated unity. Variety in it does not come into conflict with its underlying unity. Separatism and segregation are the ways of the ignorant. They are not in tune with the plan of Nature. Man progr…