
<--- 仏語再勉強の軌跡


仏語再勉強の軌跡 501

Sœur Ynolde 033 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 6 - 04 終わり Chapitre 6 前段 惑星Janajirの首都Jargarに残る、死を賛美する詩 本章 Silfは、tolep(小型飛行機)の上から飛び降りて、格納庫の後ろの扉に向けてジグザグに突進…

ヨガの聖典 0831 Value.

August 31. Value. What is held precious by one may be slighted as paltry by another. In valuing things no two persons are quite in harmony. One holds money all in all and is out to acquire it. Another views pleasure as the prize of life an…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 500

Sœur Ynolde 032 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 6 - 03 続き2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Israël attaque le nord de la Cisjordanie / Le Japon balayé par un typhon / Paris : les Jeux paralympiques...…

ヨガの聖典 0830

August 30. Self-knowledge. Man is so constituted that he is able to study the external world, but not himself. He has to reconstitute himself to study the self. Self-knowledge is superior to world-knowledge. The body and mind are the peris…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 499

Sœur Ynolde 031 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 6 - 02 続き1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ L'Ukraine visée par des frappes russes / Otage israélien libéré / Oasis remonte sur scène... - Journal en françai…

ヨガの聖典 0829 Preparedness.

August 29. Preparedness. Preparedness is a virtue characteristic of the prudent man. Exemplary life is a series of preparedness. Preparedness is the opposite of slothfulness. What is to be done today should not be postponed for tomorrow. T…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 498

Sœur Ynolde 030 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 6 - 01 Chapitre 6 前段 惑星Janajirの首都Jargarに残る、死を賛美する詩 本章 Silfはtolepの上から飛び降りて、格納庫の後ろの扉に向けてジグザグに突進、銃の波動を何とか、か…

ヨガの聖典 0828 Distraction.

August 28. Distraction. Attraction and distraction are the two forces of nature evident almost everywhere. The former is positive and the latter semi-negative. But for (Were it not for) distraction man is able to turn out more work than he…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 497

Sœur Ynolde 029 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 5 - 04 終わり Chapitre 5 前段 銀河の神話と事実の章。 英雄Gorghalが、5つの翼と5つの角を持つ神話の動物pentaleを狩るお話し。 狩りの途中である女性と知り合い、別の詩にも登…

ヨガの聖典 0827 The supreme purifier.

August 27. The supreme purifier. Earth, water, fire and air are the elements come from God. And they are all great agents for purifying things and beings. The Original Stuff is Divinity. It is the blessed privilege of man to link himself a…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 496

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 028 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 5 - 03 続き2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Balle - Les mots de l'actualité (rfi.fr)

ヨガの聖典 0826 Worship.

August 26. Worship. When appreciation takes a practical shape it is called worship. Man’s worth is known by the object to which he directs his worship. Many things in Nature compel man to be drawn to them. There are beautiful spots on eart…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 495

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 027 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 5 - 02 続き1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aux États-Unis : Harris et sa politique moyen-orientale / Modi en Ukra…

ヨガの聖典 0825

August 25. Co-operation. As the limbs in the body co-operate among themselves man is obliged to hold himself a limb of society and discharge his duty. The limbs in the body cannot isolate and function exclusively for themselves. What one l…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 494

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 026 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 5 - 01 Chapitre 5 前段 銀河の神話と事実の章。 英雄Gorghalが、5つの翼と5つの角を持つ神話の動物pentaleを狩るお話し。 狩りの途中…

ヨガの聖典 0824 Effort.

August 24. Effort. The ant seems insignificant. But it is all effort all day long. Man ought to be like unto the ant in his efforts. The cosmos knows no rest. It is constantly in motion. Because of its effort it retains its grandeur. Man c…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 493

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 025 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 4 - 04 終わり Chapitre 4 前段 銀河の神話と事実に登場する航海の章。 惑星Janajirの首都Jargar近郊の宇宙空港の名前であるDalambの起…

ヨガの聖典 0823 Fidelity.

August 23. Fidelity. Be devoted to the Ideal with all your heart, with all your might. Swerve not from It for any cause whatever. A man rears up a pop. It grows in fidelity. Later on the master neglects the dog and even ill-treats it. Even…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 492

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 024 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 4 - 03 続き2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hillary Clinton soutient Kamala Harris / La Chine va construire onze …

ヨガの聖典 0822 The great book.

August 22. The great book. Man is the replica of the world. The study of man therefore is equivalent to the study of the world. So man is a great book to be studied. The plan of Nature is the same everywhere. In it the ever available mater…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 491

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 023 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 4 - 02 続き1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joe Biden passe le flambeau à Kamala Harris / Le Mpox aux Philippines…

ヨガの聖典 0821 The fickle-minded.

August 21. The fickle-minded. As is the mind so is the man. When the mind is erratically changing the owner of that mind becomes undependable. To make the mind constant is the purpose of life. The man of unsettled mind makes many experimen…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 490

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 022 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 4 - 01 Chapitre 4 前段 銀河の神話と事実に登場する航海の章。 惑星Janajirの首都Jargar近郊の宇宙空港の名前であるDalambの起源は、…

ヨガの聖典 0820 Defeat.

August 20. Defeat. Life oscillates between victory and defeat. It is defeat that adds value to victory. It further tones the mind. He who is always victorious in his undertakings becomes shallow and conceited. Defeat makes him reflective a…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 489

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 021 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 3 - 06 Chapitre 3 前段 銀河の神話と事実に登場する交通の章。 La Ceinture d’Obey オベイベルトは銀河の中の小惑星のベルトで、Epsil…

ヨガの聖典 0819

August 19. Hard to control. It is hard to control and tame a wild animal. It is harder to control the mind. Still it has to be done. The nature of the mind can be changed through nurture. Practice is the means to this end. To wean the mind…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 488

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 020 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 3 - 05 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Le Hezbollah dévoile ses capacités militaires / Une Première ministre en Thaïl…

ヨガの聖典 0818 The wish-fulfilling tree.

August 18. The wish-fulfilling tree. Mythology speaks of kalpataru, the wish-fulfilling tree in heaven. Man gets whatever he desires sitting under this tree. Providence is the wish-fulfilling tree. All beings are getting their requirements…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 487

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 019 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 3 - 04 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 80 ans du débarquement de Provence / Retour des violences au Bangladesh / Décè…

ヨガの聖典 0817 The society of saints.

August 17. The society of saints. The company of the holy is a rare gift. Fortunate is the aspirant who obtains it. He is bound to evolve in holiness. Environment is a great factor in chiseling the career of man. A baby brought up by the w…