


仏語再勉強の軌跡 519

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 051 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 11 - 02 続き1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Possible tentative d'assassinat contre Donald Trump / Europe : te…

ヨガの聖典 0918 The salt doll.

September 18. The salt doll. A doll is viewed as a living being by the baby. Similarly man is merely a doll having a reflected Consciousness. His source is the Original Consciousness. A salt doll never survives a sea-bath. Seemingly it is …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 518

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 050 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 11 - 01 Chapitre 11 前段 銀河の神話と事実、分類不能の生物の章。 Orgonneは惑星Fangoの生物だが、鳥類、哺乳類、爬虫類、昆虫のいず…

ヨガの聖典 0917 Conquest.

September 17. Conquest. Territorial conquest is aggression causing injury to mankind. It is devilish for a strong nation to dominate over a weak one. But it is divine to choose to dominate over one’s own base mind. Conquering and culturing…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 517

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 049 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 10 - 04 終わり Chapitre 10 前段 銀河の神話と事実、人々の章。 人類が銀河に広がっていた最初の頃、Endelbar一族がDevakaに最初に移…

ヨガの聖典 0916 Child-like simplicity.

September 16. Child-like simplicity. As man grows he develops angularities deviating from his original simplicity. He is obliged to redress them in order to become perfect. Mind gets complicated and blurred when it is given to calculation …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 516

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 048 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 10 - 03 続き2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Inondations : l'Europe centrale en alerte / Les salariés de Boeing en…

ヨガの聖典 0915 Utility.

September 15. Utility. Nothing in Creation goes to waste. Everything has its utility. Man is bound to enquire into his utility. Utility varies with enlightenment. Things considered useless are made the best use of by the knowing people. Am…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 515

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 047 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 10 - 02 続き1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Les États-Unis proposent d'élargir le Conseil de sécurité / La Ru…

ヨガの聖典 0914 Personality.

September 14. Personality. The majority in the world are mere figureheads. Like waves in the ocean they simply appear and disappear. But a personality leaves his mark. The build of personality is the purpose of yoga. Self-preparation and s…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 514

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 046 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 10 - 01 Chapitre 10 前段 銀河の神話と事実、人々の章。 人類が銀河に広がっていた最初の頃、Endelbar一族がDevakaに最初に移住。OMH…

ヨガの聖典 0913 Tranquil in turmoil.

September 13. Tranquil in turmoil. Nature is a bundle of contradictions. She does not provide beings with all that they seek. Man is in search of many things. But he does not get all that he wants. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction play hid…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 513

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 045 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 9 - 04 概要 Chapitre 9 前段 銀河の神話と事実、人々の章。 惑星Fangoでは少年が大人になるための儀式、通過儀礼は、drasarという動物…

ヨガの聖典 0912

September 12. Freedom III. The freedom that man hankers after cannot be had in the phenomenal universe, it being the cause of his bondage. Man wants to be free from decay, disease and death. But body-bound that he is, he cannot escape from…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 512

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 044 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 9 - 03 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Algérie : le président Tebboune réélu / Vietnam : le typhon Yagi a fa…

ヨガの聖典 0911 Company.

September 11. Company. Gregarious creature that man is, he is in need of company. So let him choose the company congenial to his growth. Solitude is sought as a training ground. It is not a lifelong aim. Then man lives in company. Birds of…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 511

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 043 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 9 - 02 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Podium - Les mots des JO (rfi.fr)

ヨガの聖典 0910

September 10. The glory. There is glory permeating the whole of the universe. May my mind also be saturated with it. There is no such thing called the trifle. Probe into the macrocosm or the microcosm. Grandeur alone is in evidence everywh…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 510

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 042 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 9 - 01 Chapitre 9 前段 銀河の神話と事実、人々の章。 惑星Fangoでは少年が大人になるための儀式、通過儀礼は、drasarという動物と12…

ヨガの聖典 0909 The dyeing tub.

September 9. The dyeing tub. Nature is clourful. Different expressions are possible because of the variety in colour. Man’s taste is known by his choice of colour. A dyeing shop had a solitary tub. People brought cloths to be dyed in vario…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 509

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 041 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 8 - 04 終わり Chapitre 8 前段 銀河の神話と事実、宇宙旅行の章。 JnandirとDevakaの間の旅行は新しい量子力学の方式ならば10-12日で…

ヨガの聖典 0908 Right living.

September 8. Right living. Living is common to all beings. Right living is given to only a few. It causes friction nowhere and lubrication everywhere. It is right living that becomes highly fruitful. Indulgent living is wrong. Restrained l…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 508

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 040 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 8 - 03 続き2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ France : Michel Barnier Premier ministre / Colombie : grève des camio…

ヨガの聖典 0907 Devotion.

September 7. Devotion. Extreme love of the Lord of the universe is devotion: It is spontaneous and not motivated by any personal consideration. Expectation of reward and the practice of devotion do not co-exist. Devotion expresses itself i…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 507

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 039 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 8 - 02 Chapitre 8 続き1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sahara : pluies torrentielles / RDC : les vaccins contre le Mpox…

ヨガの聖典 0906 Sincerity.

September 6. Sincerity. Among virtues sincerity is the simplest. It moulds the personality most. It leads the human into the divine. A man sincere to his ideal does not seek recognition. In obscurity he is all earnestness and labour. Osten…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 506

「La Fraternité du Panca」シリーズ第2巻 Sœur Ynolde 038 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 8 - 01 Chapitre 8 前段 銀河の神話と事実、宇宙旅行の章。 JnandirとDevakaの間の旅行は新しい量子力学の方式ならば10-12日で行ける。…

ヨガの聖典 0905 Renunciation.

September 5. Renunciation. Renunciation may be positively defined. It is the act of selecting the thing, the occupation and the environment that one wants. This process is going on eternally in the world. A man renounces a thing for which …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 505

Sœur Ynolde 037 章ごとの概要 Panca 2.docx - Google ドキュメント Chapitre 7 - 04 終わり Chapitre 7 前段 銀河の神話と事実、分類不能な生物の章 良く人に慣れ、歌声が素晴らしい無脊椎動物Chalyreのお話し。 Redondoの街で、時として、大合唱をすること…

ヨガの聖典 0904 The golden age.

September 4. The golden age. It is possible for man to be in the golden age or the iron age according to his choice. It all depends upon his disposition. He who is of a clean frame of mind can be in the golden age here and now itself. Reli…