


仏語再勉強の軌跡 011

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」101-102、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0316。 公式単語集できず。


March 16 BLISS Lord, you are Bliss. Your presence in my heart is self-evident. If not for Bliss, who will care to live? Because of Bliss beings hold on to life. They toil seeking Bliss. In friendship they find Bliss. They make sacrifice to…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 010

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」099-100、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0315。 公式単語集は24頁まで。 リエゾンするしないが難しい。確か、準2級2次では文章を読みます。その時の採点対象のはず。2級2次は確か、いきなり会話になったと思いま…


March 15 HUMANITY Creation is profound. A study of it elevates the student. In it humanity occupies a unique position. Knowing mankind is as sacred as knowing the Creator. A reverential approach to mankind is essential. Humanity has to be …

仏語再勉強の軌跡 009

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」097-098、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0314。 公式単語集は20頁まで。


March 14 RESOURCEFULLNESS To be stranded is the way of the dullard. To be resourceful is the way of the one ever active and alert. As the fisherman throws the net in the river a few fish flee far off. They are the most resourceful. After b…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 008

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」095-096、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0313。 公式単語集は18頁まで。


March 13 THE ORIGIN Existence does not come from non-existence. The unmanifest reality assumes manifestation. The process is called creation. Parents are the origin of the progeny. Sons and daughters are therefore obliged to adore them. Ho…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 007

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」093-094、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0312。 いろいろやること多く、本日もあまり進まず。


March 12 THE GEM Whatever of excellent quality is valued as a gem. Man ought to become a gem in his own way. The value of a gem is not increased by encasing it in a velvet inlaid gold chest. Its value is not decreased by misplacing it in a…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 006

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」091-092、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0311。 いろいろ用事があり、思うように進まないが、諦めずに頑張るのみ。


March 11 FAITH Confidence in oneself, devotion to the ideal, genuine effort to serve the ideal, all these pull together is faith. Fickle-mindedness is the opposite of faith. Doubt, vagueness of purpose and slovenly execution are the traits…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 005

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」089-090、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳0310。 公式単語集は15頁まで。 昨日は、お出かけ用事であまり進まず。 「ヨガの聖典」は英語音読だけでなく、フランス語訳の音読もやろうかと思うが、どうするかな。。。


March 10 PURE LOVE The baby embodies pure love. It is not tainted by any earthly consideration. The love of the baby appeals to all alike. Serpents even become docile in the presence of the baby. Pure love knows no competition. The love of…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 004

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」087-088、「ヨガの聖典」google翻訳のフランス語訳。 公式単語集は13頁まで。 書かずに、聞き取ることに力点を置くようにしたが、それでも、なかなか進まず。 単語の語尾、リエゾンを聞き分けるのが難しい。


March 9 DESIRELESSNESS Desire is the devil that tortures man day and night. All acquisitions other than the bare needs are actuated by desire. Man thinks he cannot progress without desire. The real progress is in curbing desire. Nature’s b…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 003

ブログ更新用のロシュフコー「箴言」085-086をやる。 そして、ブログ更新・お口の体操用の「ヨガの聖典」をやる。 遊び心で、google翻訳でフランス語訳をやってみた。結果は英語の後ろにつけてあります。そして、そのフランス語訳の見事さに圧倒される。 特…


March 8 TEARS Tears are the external indication of the distress at heart. Distress is unavoidable to the embodied. Many surely sheds more tears than the other creatures do. Water softens the soil. Beings softened it becomes fit for cultiva…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 002



March 7 SIN Labelling man as born sinner is the sin that the theologian has committed against mankind. Man verily is born divinity. Man is made of action (karma) not sin. The child acts; it does not sin. That act which depraves man is sin.…

仏語再勉強の軌跡 001

公式単語集の音声をダウンロードして整理。1頁めの日本語は消す。 そして、始めましたが、基本的な単語も綴りミス、アクセント記号もダメで、がっくりでした。よく聞き取れないし、書けない。 近年は電子辞書、オンライン辞書使用で変化形から辞書が引けるの…


March 6 DHARMA II It is by the performance of dharma that the fulfilment of life takes place. The dharma of the student is to increase his knowledge. The dharma of the teacher is to impart knowledge. The dharma of the workman is to toil to…


恥ずかしながら2回目の再開です。1回目は以下、2019年3月です。 その後、相当勉強(過程は2019年3月以降のブログにあり)、2級1次合格まで行きましたが、2次で不合格、結局、最近2年ほどは、完全にフランス語から離れていました。 しかし、ロシュフコーの「箴…


March 5 COMPETITION Selfishness is characteristic of life at the low level. Each creature wants to thrive at the cost of the others. Cruel competition is the result. Survival of the fittest is the order down below. Might is right, is in vo…


March 4 SELF-REFORM Man is worried because his neighbours are not what he wants them to be. His disturbed state increases as he endeavours to bring them round to his way. The wise man is self-analytic. He probes into his own beings and spo…


March 3 MEDITATION It is meditation when a concentrated thought flows incessantly towards its ideal. Any time is meditation time. But morning and evening are most suited to it. Meditation is the means for man to develop his higher facultie…


March 2 THE LIGHT Clean acts are as explicit as light. They reveal themselves spontaneously. Fear of detection is not there. The face beams with delight when good deeds are resorted to. Thieves dare not burgle into houses full of light. Da…


March 1 HUMILITY Humility is born of culture and refinement. The man of humility adores the good and great. He refrains from casting aspersions upon persons and matters partially known. Self-debasement and demeaning oneself is not humility…