


February 28


   Fear is the characteristic of the embodied ones. It increases along with physical evolution. The human born fears the most.

   A sudden outburst of sound like the report of a gun creates fear. Loneliness and darkness evoke fear. Appearance of unknown persons and beings excites fear. New environment frightens the timid and the unwary. Imagination engenders fear.

   Ignorance is the cause of all forms of fear. Enlightenment dispels it.

--- Vedanta

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February 29


   Every bit of work that man does leaves its impress on the mind. The sum total of these impresses is man’s character.

   Pleasure and pain leave their marks to the mind. Very often pain teaches a better lesson than pleasure does. Between success and failure it is the latter that rouses man up to the realities in life. In the training ground of the worldly existence man is to shape his character by lessons sweet and bitter.

   Moulding the character into a mighty one is the supreme purpose of the human life.

--- Vedanta

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S'il y a un amour pur et exempt du mélange de nos autres passions, c'est celui qui est caché au fond du coeur, et que nous ignorons nous-mêmes.


Il n'y a point de déguisement qui puisse longtemps cacher l'amour où il est, ni le feindre où il n'est pas.


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69.—If there is a pure love, exempt from the mixture of our other passions, it is that which is concealed at the bottom of the heart and of which even ourselves are ignorant.


70.—There is no disguise which can long hide love where it exists, nor feign it where it does not.