

Maximes 016-020

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Cette clémence dont on fait une vertu se pratique tantôt par vanité, quelquefois par paresse, souvent par crainte, et presque toujours par tous les trois ensemble.

16.--This clemency of which they make a merit, arises oftentimes from

vanity, sometimes from idleness, oftentimes from fear, and almost always

from all three combined.

[La Rochefoucauld is content to paint the age in which he lived. Here

the clemency spoken of is nothing more than an expression of the policy

of Anne of Austria. Rochefoucauld had sacrificed all to her; even the

favour of Cardinal Richelieu, but when she became regent she bestowed

her favours upon those she hated; her friends were forgotten.--Aimé

Martin. The reader will hereby see that the age in which the writer

lived best interprets his maxims.]


 La modération des personnes heureuses vient du calme que la bonne fortune donne à leur humeur.

17.--The moderation of those who are happy arises from the calm which

good fortune bestows upon their temper.


La modération est une crainte de tomber dans l'envie et dans le mépris que méritent ceux qui s'enivrent de leur bonheur; c'est une vaine ostentation de la force de notre esprit; et enfin la modération des hommes dans leur plus haute élévation est un désir de paraître plus grands que leur fortune.

18.--Moderation is caused by the fear of exciting the envy and contempt

which those merit who are intoxicated with their good fortune; it is a

vain display of our strength of mind, and in short the moderation of men

at their greatest height is only a desire to appear greater than their



Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui.

19.--We have all sufficient strength to support the misfortunes of


[The strongest example of this is the passage in Lucretius, lib. ii.,

line I:-- "Suave mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis E terra magnum

alterius spectare laborem." ]


La constance des sages n'est que l'art de renfermer leur agitation dans le cœur.

20.--The constancy of the wise is only the talent of concealing the

agitation of their hearts.

[Thus wisdom is only hypocrisy, says a commentator. This definition of

constancy is a result of maxim 18.]